Wait.. did you hear that? It’s a City Girls Summer baby! We made custom pants for the beautiful City Girls for the cover of “TWERKULATOR”! What can we not do, sis! This cover is FIRE and we are so excited for this track to drop this Friday, May 21st!

Have a dream outfit you want to come to life? For custom orders, please email We will guide you through the order process! If you can, please provide measurements and picture ideas of what exactly you're looking for. We will give you more details on prices and if it's possible to do. OR shop ANGELBRINKS.COM today!


  • Terrytum

    My favorite teacher: One time in 6th grade we were at recess and while I was running to my friends, I just so happened to kick a HUGE rock (keep in mind, I was wearing flip-flops so it hurt like hell) and without thinking, I shouted at the top of my lungs “MOTHERFUCKER!” And with my god-awful luck, my math teacher was sitting at the bench right BESIDE ME. He then took me inside to what I thought was yell at me but he just couldn’t stop laughing and sent me back outside with a literal candy bar. He is still my favorite teacher I’ve ever had.

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